Mckee S Pathology Of The Skin 4th Edition.pdf
Q: Who are the authors of McKee's Pathology of the Skin 4th Edition.pdf?
A: The authors are Eduardo Calonje, Thomas Brenn, Alexander Lazar, and Phillip McKee, who are all experts and leaders in the field of dermatopathology.
Q: How many pages and images does the book have?
A: The book has 1906 pages and over 5000 images, making it one of the most comprehensive and illustrated books on dermatopathology.
Q: What are some of the new features and updates of the 4th edition?
A: Some of the new features and updates include new chapters on the pathology of HIV/AIDS, conjunctival tumors, sentinel lymph node biopsies, laboratory techniques in dermatopathology, and salivary gland tumors; updated and expanded coverage of diseases of the nail, cutaneous connective tissue tumors, tumors of the lymphoreticular system, and conjunctiva specimens; and more molecular research tools, classification guidelines, immunohistochemical practices, and clinical correlations.
Q: How can I access the book online?
A: You can access the full text, image and video bank online at www.expertconsult.com with a purchase of the book or a subscription to the website.
Q: Who is the target audience of the book?
A: The book is intended for practicing dermatopathologists and general pathologists who sign out skin biopsies, as well as dermatologists, oncologists, surgeons, and other clinicians who deal with skin diseases and tumors.